

FernCommon names: fern Description: Plant height varies from 24 – 30 inches. Leaf color is dark green with a fine texture. Special Care: Generally very easy to grow and can be maintained in a variety of environments. Back to Plant Gallery...


Dieffenbachia Common names: dieffenbachia, dumb cane  Description: Dieffenbachias are popular foliage plants because they withstand an indoor environment better than most plants. They are about 2 1/2 -feet tall but can grow to 4 or 5 feet. Leaves can be up to 18...


CyclamenCommon names: cyclamen Description: Blooms have five petals and sweep up to resemble butterflies in this popular blooming plant. Heart-shaped, dark green foliage has silvery markings. Flowers are available in white, red, lavender and pink shades; they may...
Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen

Chinese EvergreenCommon names: chinese evergreen Description: Originated in tropical Asia, height varies from 8-26 inches. Leaves are gray green and dark green. Special Care: Excellent for very low light areas Back to Plant Gallery...


Cactus Common names: cactus  Description: More than 2,500 varieties of cacti exist. Some popular varieties are pincushion, powder puff, rat-tail, prickly pear, bunny ears and golden barrel cacti. Cacti grow in many sizes and forms, but all have thick, fleshy, green...


BromeliadCommon names: bromeliad, urn plant, flaming sword Description: These foliage plants have central floral spikes up to 2 feet tall and 8- to 10-inch long spiny-edged leaves that form a cup that can hold water. In some species, the flower has waxy, colored...