
Flower common names: hydrangea, hortensia 

Flower description: Four-petaled flowers grow in round clusters that are usually 4 to 8 inches wide. Flowers bloom in white, lavender, pink and green. While the hydrangea has been a favorite in the garden or landscape for years, it has become a popular cut flower to enhance garden-style arrangements.

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Plant common names: hydrangea, big-leaved hydrangea, hortensia

Plant description: Four-petaled flowers grow in round clusters that are usually 4 to 8 inches wide. Coarsely-toothed leaves grow 6 to 8 inches long on woody shrubs. Flowers bloom in blue, white, lavender and pink

Special care: Blooms live two to four weeks. Provide bright, indirect light. Provide plenty of water to prevent wilting and remove excess water from saucers. Maintain an evenly moist soil medium, but be cautious of over watering, which can damage the plant. Plants in bloom do not need fertilizer.

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