“Mood Changer,” “Happiness Delivered,” and “Make Any Day Special” headline the postcards flying off the shelves as part of the Society of American...
Stock Up with 75 Percent Off SAF Postcards
Postcards are an effective way to alert current and potential customers your shop’s services and specials. The Society of American Florists offers...
SAF Slashes Prices on Statement Stuffers
Statement stuffers are an easy, effective way to create floral reminders and keep your name in front of customers. The Society of American Florists...
Save 75 percent on SAF Posters, Postcards and Stuffers
The Society of American Florists kicks off summer with a big sale guaranteed to boost local marketing efforts. Save 75 percent on SAF posters,...
Members Save on Avis and Budget Car Rentals
Members of the Society of American Florists can drive away with a bargain. Avis offers SAF members discounts up to 25 percent off base...
Get Ready for Wedding Season with Details Flowers Software
Did you know that Christmas ranks as the most popular day to get engaged? Are you ready for bridal season and wedding consultations? Can you create...
Why It Might Be Time to Ditch Discounts
‘Tis the season for shoppers to be on the lookout for a deal — but be careful about running mega sales and employing budget-friendly lingo. Those...
Big Savings. Nice Rewards. Sweet Success.
Big savings are available to members of the Society of American Florists who join the FedEx Advantage program. Save up to 21 percent off select...
Enter for a Chance at a Small Business Grant in 4 Easy Steps
What would you do with $25,000 for your business? The FedEx Small Business Grant Contest is accepting entries from February 20 to March 28, and one...
‘Bring a First-Timer for Free’ to Congressional Action Days
The Society of American Florists’ Congressional Action Days drew its largest crowd in more than a decade last year with 119 growers, wholesalers,...
SAF Members Save Money on Prescription Medicines
Staying healthy is expensive. Members of the Society of American Florists, along with their families, staff and pets, can save money on...
Members Save 10% on Crystal Media’s Live Facebook Training Program
Having a hard time keeping up with Facebook? You're not alone. That's why the Society of American Florists partners with Crystal Vilkaitis, a retail...
Members Save 10% on Crystal Media’s Live Facebook Training
Facebook is one of the best social media platforms a business owner can use to build their business. But with constant changes and updates, it feels...
Hiring? Use SAF’s Job Descriptions and Employee Handbook
The Society of American Florists provides members with exclusive access to job descriptions and an employee handbook, both tailored specifically for...
Get Paid for the Goods and Services You Deliver
Have you been dinged by a bounced check? The Society of American Florists has an app to make collections a breeze, and Skip Paal, AAF, of the...