Florists in 44 States Plan to ‘Petal It Forward’ on Oct. 11 -
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Florists in 44 States Plan to ‘Petal It Forward’ on Oct. 11

by | Sep 20, 2017 | Events, Floral Industry News, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media | 0 comments

SAF is compiling a list of local Petal It Forward events. So far, florists in 44 states have committed to the event. Get your event listed by completing the Petal It Forward Participation Form

SAF is compiling a list of local Petal It Forward events. So far, florists in 44 states have committed to the event. Get your event listed by completing the Petal It Forward Participation Form

Florists in 181 cities in 44 states, plus Washington, D.C., and Canada, have so far told the Society of American Florists of plans to hold Petal It Forward events in their communities on October 11. That leaves six states to go — Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, and West Virginia — for industry participation in all 50 states.

With three weeks to go until October 11, there is still time to plan an event in your community, said SAF Vice President of Marketing Jennifer Sparks who led a Petal It Forward pep rally during a Facebook Live presentation on Sept. 20.

That broad support is critical to the overall success of the feel-good campaign, which encourages industry members to surprise consumers with two “random” flower bouquets, one to keep and one to share, Sparks said.

“The more florists participating on October 11, the better chance of news coverage and social media posts promoting flower power,” she explained. “We need to know where local events are happening so we can tell the media, and so you can tell your media that you are part of a nationwide effort.”

Don’t have the time or resources to plan a large effort? That’s okay, Sparks said. “Even handing out 20 to 50 bouquets or single stems can make an impact, and it’s a nice way to get your feet wet in participating in this nationwide event,” she added.

Other floral industry members are helping to spread the word and encourage nationwide participation, such as this blog post by Sun Valley Floral Group in Arcata, California.

To notify SAF of your event, complete the Petal It Forward Participation Form at by Oct. 2.

SAF provides resources to help members Petal It Forward, at

SAF first led the industry to Petal It Forward in 2015. The 2016 campaign included 262 events in 234 cities in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, generating more 328 million consumer impressions showcasing the positive impact flowers have on emotional well-being.

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