Deadlines Approaching for Awards Nominations -
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Deadlines Approaching for Awards Nominations

by | Jan 17, 2017 | Events, Floral Industry News, Member Benefits, Operations, Public Relations | 0 comments


During SAF Maui 2016, Tom Bowling, AIFD, PFCI, of Fairfield, Ohio, was honored with the Tommy Bright Award for lifetime achievement in floral presentation.

You could be the one who pinpoints the next Floriculture Hall of Fame inductee or another top industry award recipient.

Or, you might be standing in the spotlight as an inductee to the American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) or Professional Floral Communicators International (PFCI) at the Stars of the Industry Awards Dinner at SAF Palm Beach 2017, the Society of American Florists’ 133rd Annual Convention, Sept. 6-9 at The Breakers in Florida.

SAF recognizes excellence in the floral industry with a range of awards and professional designations.

Jan. 27 is the deadline for submitting the PFCI membership application and Tommy Bright Award nominations. March 1 is the deadline for the AAF application and all other SAF awards.

Go to for applications and nomination details.

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