Social Media Content Calendar for Valentine’s Day -
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Social Media Content Calendar for Valentine’s Day

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Business Builder, Marketing, Member Benefits, Social Media | 0 comments


Social Media Content Calendar: Valentine’s DayRushing to get everything done for Valentine’s Day? The Society of American Florists can help streamline your social media marketing with content ideas for the holiday, including suggested dates for posting on your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels. Use the content as is or customize to your liking. While your custom photos will be best as the visuals that go with the text, SAF also provides some examples to get you started.

One post to try this week on your pages — a cheerful reminder to customers to plan ahead:  Want to truly impress your one-and-only this Valentine’s Day? Let us be your Cupid! Avoid the last-minute rush and order early to make a relaxed, seamless proclamation of devotion.

SAF members can access the Social Media Content Calendar Valentine’s Day here.

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