Looking to Improve Sales and Service? You May Need to Go Undercover -
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Looking to Improve Sales and Service? You May Need to Go Undercover

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Business Builder, Business Resources, Events, Webinars | 0 comments


Ever wonder what your staff really sounds like to customers when they call to place an order with your store? Are they professional and efficient? Empathetic and personal? Do they ask sales-crushing questions like, “How much do you want to spend?” and offer, “Our arrangements start at…”

Each month in Floral Management magazine, Tim Huckabee shares the results of his mystery shopper calls to flower shops around the country — the good, the bad, and the truly cringe-worthy — along with his advice on how florists can easily train their teams to deliver truly outstanding customer service and higher sales. On July 24 at 2 p.m. EST, during “Tim’s Calling…Live,” a special 30-minute live training session available free to Society of American Florists members, he’s digging deeper into one call and offering his best tips on how that conversation relates to your shop, while dishing tips on how to boost sales and delight more customers. Find out more and register today.


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