The Outstanding Varieties Competition at Society of American Florists’ convention annually provides a glimpse at future floral trends. And this...
International Design Competition Comes to Philadelphia
During the final round of the FTD America’s Cup design competition last summer, Katharina Stuart, AIFD, CCF, had reality TV on her mind — namely the...
FTD Announces National Floral Design Competition
FTD is excited to announce FTD America’s Cup, a national floral design competition that will take place at the 2018 AIFD National Symposium. FTD is...
Texas Florist Wins 50th Annual Sylvia Cup Design Competition
When Rey Rodriguez, AAF, AIFD, TMFA, of The Gypsy Florist in Austin, Texas, stepped into a hotel ballroom last week for the Society of American...
One Week to Register for Sylvia Cup’s 50th Anniversary Design Competition
The countdown is on for the 50th Annual Sylvia Cup Design Competition, the nation’s longest-running live floral design competition. Limited to 15 of...
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go: Chase Fitness-Fueled Sales
Summer is on its way out and that means another season is fast approaching: The season of road races. According to Running USA’s 2015 “State of the...
Meet the Elite: SAF’s 2015 Outstanding Varieties Winners
Everyone loves a winner. This month's issue of Floral Management is flush with them. From the winners of SAF’s annual awards, to the floral...