Florists looking for high quality, affordable floral business education have two additional venues in which to find it in 2016. SAF is bringing its 1-Day Profit Blast to Cincinnati on Saturday, April 16 and Denver on Sunday, Oct. 23. Both events will be sponsored by DWF Wholesale Florist.
The SAF 1-Day Profit Blast packs design, sales, technology and management education into a one-day program, along with a Suppler Showcase where floral industry vendors

SAF is bringing its 1-Day Profit Blast to two additional cities in 2016: Cincinnati on April 16 and Denver on October 23. Both events are sponsored by DWF Wholesale Florist.
share their latest new products.
Partnering with wholesalers to sponsor the program has helped SAF offset costs and keep the registration rate low ($139 amd $99 for additional registrants from the same company).
Sponsoring wholesalers see the partnership as a win-win.
“We’ve put on education programs for our customers ourselves, but it takes an enormous amount of time and energy,” said Bill LaFever, PFCI, president of The Bill Doran Company, which sponsored SAF’s most recent 1-Day Profit Blasts, on Feb. 27 in Austin, Texas, and on Nov. 7 in Des Moines. “Great education is what SAF does, so we can leave all of the content development and event logistics to the SAF team and we, as the wholesaler, just work to get retailers to attend.”
DWF Wholesale Florist’s Dave Gaul said he couldn’t agree more and that he and his team will be rallying retailers through the Midwest to attend the Denver and Cincinnati Profit Blast events.
“We know SAF puts on a great event. Anyone who’s attending the annual convention knows this,” said Gaul, who said he recognizes that a four-day event isn’t accessible, from a time or a budget standpoint, for many retailers. “That’s why we’re happy to be able to help SAF bring its education to more places around the country.”
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