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Texas Florists to Soak in HR, Customer Service and Operational Hacks

by | Oct 26, 2022 | Events, Events & Education, Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Profit Blast San Marcos TXWhen it comes to retaining customers, the devil can be in the details — and if you’re not paying attention to the little things, you run the risk of losing customers and the business’s credibility.

For example, if your shop’s website isn’t updated regularly, it can leave a bad impression, says Vonda LaFever, AIFD, PFCI and CEO and founder of Flower Clique, a floral consulting agency.

“If the customer sees, for example, Valentine’s Day on the first of March, the shop is not in tune to details and clearly doesn’t monitor their website,” she explains. “It makes the customer feel that the shop is disorganized, products are not on trend, and customer service is low on their priority list. If we’re being honest, the lack of attention to detail can immediately lower the credibility of the business.”

To help florists avoid mistakes that can drive customers away, LaFever, along with Flower Clique’s Director of Community, Lori Wilson, PFCI, will discuss retention strategies at the Society of American Florists’ 1-Day Profit Blast in San Marcos, Texas on Nov. 9. During the presentation, “What Flower Consumers Don’t Tell You,” they will provide information on how to make changes to create a brand that keeps current customers coming back, and attracts new ones.

The event also includes two other sessions, focused on making changes to business operations and incentive programs for employees, a supplier expo and time for networking. It is sponsored by the Bill Doran Company.

Embracing the New

Although navigating changes may be challenging, it can also be the mother of invention.

Floral educator Renee Tucci, AAF, AIFD, PFCI will be encouraging florists to try new techniques — from design to staff communications — during her presentation “Cha, Cha, Cha, CHANGE!” Some of the topics she’ll cover include design techniques that designers of all skill levels can learn, setting staff performance expectations, and having conversations about employee pay in the current market.

“Be sure to give new techniques, processes, and ideas time to take effect,” Tucci says. “There will always be wrinkles in need of ironing out before true analysis can be made.”

Incentivizing Employees

During “Incentive Plans that Recruit, Motivate and Retain Teams,” Derrick Myers, CPA, PFCI, president of Crockett & Myers Associates, will show how to attract and keep the best talent with incentive programs tailored for different types of employees. He also shares mistakes to avoid when developing incentives and bonuses, and how to use blended programs for workers across multiple departments.

He’ll also emphasize how important it is to keep sight of what’s important to employees, such as flexibility in schedule, location, and having a clear purpose or a goal in the job. Too often, Myers says, employers “throw more money” at employees to keep them happy.

“Instead of an overhaul of compensation structures, maybe a change of culture is what’s needed,” he says.

To register for the San Marcos 1-Day Profit Blast, click here. This event is the fourth 1-Day Profit Blast of the year. Previous Profit Blasts were held in Albany, New York, Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Denver, Colorado.

Kenya McCullum is a contributing writer for the Society of American Florists.

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