Floral finance wiz Derrick Myers, CPA, CFP, PFCI, of Crockett, Myers & Associates, Inc., reveals “5 Questions to Ask Your Team the Week After Mother’s Day.”
Before you decompress from Mother’s Day and while you can still recall details, debrief with staff on what went right, what went wrong and simply what could be better.
Floral finance wiz Derrick Myers, CPA, CFP, PFCI, of Crockett, Myers & Associates Inc., leads the debrief meeting. He reveals the topics you must discuss with staff to improve efficiency, production and sales performance for the next Mother’s Day. This same strategy can be used after each holiday (or event) to improve the next one.
SAF members can hear Myers discuss the “5 Questions to Ask Your Team the Week After Mother’s Day.” Be sure to download and print the PDF of Myers’ presentation to use to take notes during your debrief with staff.