Pitching the news media might not be part of your daily job, but it’s a key element to generating local news coverage for your shop’s Petal It...
Petal It Forward Prep: Print Flower Cards or Stickers
The Society of American Florists is at it again, tapping into the popularity of random acts of kindness with its public relations campaign, "Petal...
Capture Commercial Customers with B2B Marketing Materials
SAF makes it easy for members to capture and maintain profitable commercial accounts with tools, promotional tactics and step-by-step instructions....
Sparks Peddles ‘Petal it Forward’ in Chicago
SAF Vice President of Marketing Jennifer Sparks will discuss Petal It Forward during the International Floriculture Expo in Chicago. Her educational...
Small Business Takeaways from Tesla Launch
Talk about anticipation. By the end of the day on April 7, Tesla Motors had processed $1,000 deposits from more than 325,000 people for its new...
Advertise Your Blooms on the Radio
A Nielsen Catalina Solutions research study found that each dollar spent on radio advertising generated an average sales return of $6 from the...
Boost Your Prom Sales with New Quiz
Prom is a major rite of passage for teens, and often the first time they buy flowers from a local professional florist. SAF is doing its part to get...
SAF Women’s Day Campaign Reaches Hundreds of Thousands
Hearing more chatter about Women’s Day this year? Don’t be surprised. Hundreds of thousands of consumers now know more about Women’s Day, thanks to...
Personalized Postcards Pay Off for Illinois Florist
There's been an undeniable shift to all things digital in recent years, but “old fashioned” tactics, such as sending snail mail, still resonate with...
Publicity Pointers To Maximize Your Marketing Campaigns
On October 7, more than 2,000 people in Chicago received a surprise gift of flowers, courtesy of Kennicott Brothers Company and Ashland Addison...
Enhance The Shopping Experience, Increase Sales
The longer customers linger, the more they'll spend. That insight, outlined in the 1999 book, "Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping," has motivated...
Start Marketing Homecoming Flowers
School dances aren’t solely springtime rites of passage. As temperatures drop and leaves turn colors, high schools and colleges around the country...
With Millennials, Experiences Trump Objects
To attract millennials, a demographic that commands an estimated $1.3 trillion in consumer spending, try marketing experiences. According to a...
Local Florists Turn ‘Petal It Forward’ into Love Fest … and Marketing Gold
When Karen Flanders put out a call for volunteers to help support her Petal It Forward event, she wasn’t exactly sure what she — or her volunteers —...
Go Pink With Your Marketing
October ushers breast cancer into public consciousness. Soon, you can expect to see pink plastered everywhere from yogurt containers to cosmetic...