Valentine's Day Event Helps Massachusetts Store Find New Customers | Society of American Florists |
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Valentine’s Day Event Helps Massachusetts Store Find New Customers

by | Feb 2, 2018 | Operations, Sales, Sales WakeUP | 0 comments

Beach Plum Flower Shop is one of several businesses participating in "A Shucking Good Time!", a hands-on, oyster-themed event planned for Feb. 10.

Beach Plum Flower Shop is one of several businesses participating in “A Shucking Good Time!”, a hands-on, oyster-themed event planned for Feb. 10.

Ever feel like you’re reaching out to the same customers constantly? A shop in Newburyport, Massachusetts, has found a lighthearted way to market to people they might not otherwise reach — and they’re doing it just days before Valentine’s Day.

Beach Plum Flower Shop is one of several businesses participating in “A Shucking Good Time!”, a hands-on, oyster-themed event planned for Feb. 10. The event will feature oyster prep and shucking tips, along with appetizers, wine, dessert, coffee, and — here’s where Beach Plum comes in — handtied bouquets and flower demos.

Lisa Greene, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, thinks the ticketed event will draw about 12 people per session — the group is hosting one session from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and a second from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tickets range from $100 to $125. While four businesses are participating directly in the event (along with Beach Plum, there’s FISH market, Port Plums and Chococoa Baking Company), any business within the Tannery Historic Market can contribute items to a “swag bag” for participants.

“We have not done this one before but we did a men’s shopping night last year,” Greene said. “The goal is to provide a nice night learning about romantic food and flowers and to get exposure to customers of other shops.”

Another thing the shop does year-round to play up its local roots and cheerlead other area businesses? Post a “Partners” page prominently on its website, where neighboring businesses receive a heartfelt recommendation from the Beach Plum team.



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