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Designer Highlights Platonic V-Day Gifts

by | Nov 20, 2020 | Events & Education, Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Ever since the NBC sitcom “Parks & Rec” introduced the concept of “Galentine’s Day” 10 years ago, Americans have increasingly been finding ways to celebrate family members and friends on Feb. 14. This year, with social distancing measures still in effect, your customers will likely be looking for ideas on how to share the platonic love with more people in their lives.

Ann Jordan AIFD, AAF, MMFD

Ann Jordan AIFD, AAF, MMFD

Join FTD Education Consultant Ann Jordan AIFD, AAF, MMFD, on Dec. 4 for a “Pal-entine’s” Day-themed Happy Hour + Design Demo. Jordan will share ideas and inspiration on how to design, market and talk with customers about Valentine’s Day floral designs created for family members and best buds — including advice on how this approach can help you spread the love beyond red roses and sell a broader spectrum of the flower colors and varieties you have in stock this year.

Jordan’s event is part of SAF’s “Gear Up for Valentine’s Day” virtual event, which kicks off on Dec. 4 at 3 p.m. ET. The event includes a targeted panel discussion that features cross-segment insight followed by Q&A time and peer-to-peer roundtable discussions focused on how industry members are turning challenges into opportunities and working through questions related to supply chain slowdowns, logistics, operations, safety, marketing and more.

Find out more and register today.

Mary Westbrook is the editor in chief of Floral Management magazine.

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