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Florists Talk Social Media Tips, Marketing Messages

by | Jun 17, 2020 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


You made it through the spring holidays — now, what’s your plan for driving sales through the dog days of summer? Next week, as part of its Reignite Your Business series, the Society of American Florists has two florist-led sessions focused on how to build momentum through the summer and into the fall.

Mark your calendar for the following session:


Jackie Levine, Central Square Florist

June 23: Leveraging LinkedIn

Retail florists devote most of their social media time to Facebook and Instagram — but Jackie Levine of Central Square Florist in Cambridge, Massachusetts, said there’s another platform that deserves more of your attention: LinkedIn. Levine, a fourth-generation florist with a vibrant online presence, will discuss how she uses LinkedIn to strategically forge sales leads, enhance her network and generate new business — all while building on the brand and reputation of her family’s business.

June 25: Reignite Your Business: Marketing Messages that Sell


Jennifer Barnard, Tillie’s Flower Shop

What communication strategies are helping local florists connect most effectively with customers right now — encouraging them to buy more flowers more often? Join Jennifer Barnard of Tillie’s Flower Shop in Wichita, Kansas, for a practical discussion about how she’s promoted her family business throughout the pandemic by focusing on key messages, emphasizing the power of flowers and stepping outside of her comfort zone to deliver the content, products and services that resonate with customers and drive everyday sales.

All of the sessions featured in SAF’s Reignite Session, sponsored by Teleflora, are available to watch after they air live. Scroll the webinar library and catch up on topics you missed.

Plus, mark your calendar for SAF’s Reinvention Summit, July 27-31, from 2 pm – 4 pm EDT daily. Each day of this highly interactive virtual event will feature a prominent keynote speaker, followed by panel and roundtable discussions. Attendees can opt to attend just one or two days, or all five. Stay tuned and the association’s social media pages for more information.

Want to learn more, or be notified when registration is open? Email

Mary Westbrook is the editor in chief of Floral Management magazine.

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