Scott Hepper of Walter Knoll Florist in St. Louis tells the Fox affiliate that personalized Mother’s Day flowers make great gifts and shows some arrangements based on favorite TV show mothers.
As a shop owner, you are the spokesperson for your business and the flower expert for your community. If a reporter calls or emails asking about Mother’s Day, seize the opportunity to talk — and be positive.
“Florists who keep a smile on their faces amid long days and tough questions come out shining in press coverage,” said Jennifer Sparks, SAF’s vice president of marketing.
She recommends making the following points to reporters about Mother’s Day flowers:
- “Rutgers University research that shows that a gift of flowers creates instant delight and increases enjoyment and life satisfaction. Who wouldn’t want that for their mom?” If asked for details, point them to aboutflowers.com/research.
- “We can customize the flowers to match your mom’s personality and style.” Position yourself as the expert. Talk about your shop’s most popular Mother’s Day sellers, why flowers are a great gift for moms, what you see women appreciating in terms of type of flowers and colors.
- “According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, 69 percent of consumers who plan to celebrate Mother’s Day, plan to buy flowers!” If asked for details, point them to the National Retail Federation press release.
- “While moms are the primary recipients, we are seeing customers sending Mother’s Day flowers to their mothers-in-law, wives, sisters and friends. Mother’s Day is an occasion to recognize all moms.” If asked for details, point them to aboutflowers.com.
While the temptation may be there to talk about gift competitors or business challenges, it’s important to stay positive.
“If you read an article about a local restaurant, and the owner is quoted saying business is down, overhead costs are burdensome, and they’re facing unfair competition from other restaurants — would you want to dine there?” Sparks said. “Or would you rather check out the restaurant whose owner talks about their high-quality ingredients, inviting ambience and top-notch customer service?”