Customer Wants to Stay Anonymous — Is that Legal? -
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Customer Wants to Stay Anonymous — Is that Legal?

by | Jun 7, 2017 | Business Builder, Business Resources, Delivery, Member Benefits, Operations | 0 comments


SAF members can contact attorney Paula A. Calimafde (Kal-i-MAF-da) with the law firm Paley Rothman for a free 15-minute legal consultation at 301-951-9325. Be sure to mention your SAF membership.

“Are there legal ramifications if I refuse an order when the customer wishes to remain anonymous to the recipient of the flowers?”

Need to have a fast chat with an attorney? Give SAF’s legal eagle a call. The Society of American Florists partners with Paley Rothman, a Bethesda, Maryland law firm so members can get quick answers to business legal questions — for free.

Through the partnership, SAF members can contact attorney Paula A. Calimafde (Kal-i-MAF-da) for a free 15-minute legal consultation on a variety of issues such as taxes, estate planning, employment law, leases and real estate, copy rights and trademarks, acquisitions and regulatory compliance. Members can contact Calimafde at (301) 951-9325. Be sure to mention your SAF membership.

Calimafde offers this sound legal advice regarding anonymous orders: “The way that a business could run into legal problems in refusing to accept anonymous orders is if it does so on an ad hoc basis and certain anonymous orders are accepted while others aren’t, which could lead a claim of discrimination if the individual (or individuals) whose orders are rejected are from a protected group while the individual (or individuals) whose orders are not. Having a blanket policy that applies to all anonymous customer orders will prevent this.”

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