Valentine's Day Fodder for Blogs, Social Media Updates and News Pitches -
Home » Valentine’s Day Fodder for Blogs, Social Media Updates and News Pitches

Valentine’s Day Fodder for Blogs, Social Media Updates and News Pitches

by | Jan 21, 2016 | Business Builder | 0 comments


stock image red and white rosesFor consumers, Valentine’s Day is just that: a day. For florists, though, it’s a season, and coming up with talking points for four to six weeks is no easy feat. If you’re in need of inspiration, check out There you’ll find all sorts of content ideas, including the meaning of flowers, romantic date ideas, card message suggestions, care and handling tips and rose trivia — perfect nuggets to use in blog posts, social media updates and email pitches to reporters. 

And don’t forget to include art! According to HubSpot, an inbound marketing software platform, content with relevant images gets 94 percent more views than text-only posts. If you don’t have the right images in your own portfolio, check out SAF’s Flickr account, where you can download quality, high-resolution images for free.

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