Reporter Brittany Flowers, of Wood TV 8 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, took bouquets to a couple of coffee shops as part of SAF’s Petal It Forward flower giveaway.
As bouquets and stems of free flowers were handed out during the Society of American Florists’ annual Petal It Forward event last week, an important message permeated the day: Flowers reduce stress and anxiety and make people happy.
Not only did florists distributing the flowers see that effect firsthand, but they also ensured the message was shared more broadly by inviting local media to cover the story, making the event a powerful marketing tool. Journalists throughout the country captured the joy flowers bring with photos, videos, interviews and on-the-ground storytelling.
Scientifically Backed Stress Relief
Many reports covered the scientific evidence that flowers reduce stress. Tapping into the anxiety that has surrounded the COVID-19 pandemic, journalists crafted stories that focused on studies from University of North Florida, Rutgers University and Harvard University, that proved flowers relieve stress and anxiety and evoke happiness and compassion.

Angelone Florist in Raritan, New Jersey, was featured on Patch.com.
Fox 17 in Grand Rapids, Michigan emphasized the evidence flowers lift the spirits of both giver and receiver in highlighting the 1,500 bouquets Eastern Floral distributed. Punctuating that point, Eastern Floral partnered with the Mental Health Foundation for the event. The station interviewed representatives from the foundation and Eastern Floral as they handed out bouquets to strangers.
Patch.com focused on flowers as a proven stress reliever and cited those studies in its story of Angelone Florist in Raritan, New Jersey, which handed out 200 bouquets.
“What we are doing here is proving the science, showing both sides — what it’s like to receive flowers and what it’s like to give flowers — and in today’s times it can be just what people need,” co-owner John Angelone told the publication.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette also cited the University of North Florida study in describing
McCandless Floral’s Petal It Forward giveaway of 300 bouquets at a local shopping district, and co-owner Janet Woloszyk shared with the newspaper the story of a woman who ‘petaled it forward’ to another woman in a convenience store who was having a bad day.
“Hopefully, getting flowers just made her feel better,” Woloszyk was quoted in the article.
Media Get In on the Act
Some media wanted to participate. By taking part in the giveaway, they were able to share firsthand accounts that illustrated the power of giving and receiving flowers.
On-air reporter Brittany Flowers, of Wood TV 8 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, took bouquets to a couple of coffee shops. She handed them to the barista with an explanation of Petal It Forward, inviting the recipients to keep a bouquet and share another. An accompanying story explained how Kennedy’s Flowers & Gifts, Southside Flower Market, Huisman Flowers and Eastern Floral were also among the shops to participate in the giveaway.
On camera interviews with people holding bouquets from Relles Florist in Sacramento, California touted the pay-it-forward message of the day. With 1,000 bouquets to distribute outside their storefront, Relles garnered the attention of KCRA 3 NBC.
A Community Event
Sheer volume and a strong community presence drew reporters to the scene in many communities. With buckets of flowers being passed out, and plenty of big smiles, there was a powerful visual element perfect for videographers and still photographers alike.
WABI 5, the CBS affiliate in Bangor, Maine, reported on Bangor Floral’s distribution of 300 bouquets in West Market Square, and the local NBC affiliate also showed owner Joseph Langlois passing out sunflowers and roses.

Joseph Langlois of Bangor Floral in Bangor, Maine was interviewed for a spot on the local NBC news station about the florist’s Petal It Forward event.
“Like a drop of water in a pond and the ripples just keep going out, hopefully, smiles and happiness keeps radiating outward,” Langlois said on camera.
Sarah Sampson is a contributing writer for the Society of American Florists.