In the spirit of Thanksgiving, take a few minutes to thank the employees who help make your dream a reality. Before you break for the long weekend, assemble your staff and tell them how much you appreciate how hard they work together to make your shop the best it can be.
While you’re gathered as a group, go around the room delivering specific praise for each member of your team.
For example:
“You showed great poise dealing with that bridezilla.”
“Your cheerful disposition makes those 5 a.m. Valentine’s Day start times so much less painful.”
“Your careful attention to COGS really helps our bottom line.”
If time allows, invite your employees to play the gratitude game, sharing why they appreciate their peers.
Want some more elaborate ways to tell your employees “thanks” –something you can plan for, say, February 15 or later? Check out “Staff Affection” to read how a few SAF members keep morale high.