Next month, floral professionals from across the country will gather in Washington, D.C., for the Society of American Florists’ Congressional Action Days, where they’ll meet face-to-face with lawmakers to advocate for policies that protect and strengthen the floral industry. But these conversations don’t happen in a vacuum — SAF’s political action fund, SAFPAC, ensures that the industry’s voice is heard on Capitol Hill year-round.
In this short video, Michelle Castellano Keeler, AAF, chair of SAFPAC and longtime industry advocate, explains why CAD is such a powerful event and how SAFPAC plays a crucial role in opening doors to key policymakers. By pooling contributions from industry members, SAFPAC strengthens SAF’s lobbying efforts, which more recently has helped secure an additional $1 million in funding for floriculture research and ensured flower growers are involved with revisions to Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
Want to learn more about SAFPAC? Complete this prior approval form to opt in to communications.
Amanda Jedlinsky is the senior director of content and communications for the Society of American Florist.