Derek Woodruff, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, of Floral Underground in Traverse City, Michigan, and his helper, Libby Hogan, distribute bouquets for Petal It Forward.
Petal it Forward is just one week away on Oct. 18. It’s not too late to participate in this feel-good event in which participants hand two flowers or bouquets to an unsuspecting stranger, urging them to keep one and share the other with someone else. The Society of American Florists has tips to help guide you through the day and a post-event strategy to help maximize exposure from Petal It Forward participation.
Before the Event
- Partner with your wholesaler or supplier to see if they’d like to be part of the event by providing special pricing on product and helping hand flowers.
- Use SAF’s templates, including outdoor signage and flower cards.
- Reach out to media outlets to inform them about your upcoming Petal It Forward event. (See how past Petal It Forward participants have used the event to increase their shop’s exposure in the community.)
During the Event
- Have your team utilize these messages when handing out flowers.
- Take photos of your event and use these suggested posts with the hashtag #PetalItForward. And, encourage flower recipients to take photos, tag your business, and share the images on social media.
- Remind your community that they can spread happiness all year by ordering from your shop.
After the Event
- Reach out to your local news station or send out press releases with information and pictures about your event. (Click here for a sample press release that you can customize.)
Click here for more tips on hosting a Petal It Forward event this year, and don’t forget to register your business for the event so SAF can provide more support to your team!
Stephanie Brady is the project manager for the Society of American Florists.