Five Minutes with Barry Gottlieb on Improving Mental Wellness -
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Five Minutes with Barry Gottlieb on Improving Mental Wellness

by | Oct 19, 2022 | Events & Education, Floral Industry News, Webinars | 0 comments


The pandemic took a toll on workers, prompting a record number of people to quit their jobs and wreaking havoc on their mental well-being.

“What the pandemic did was create this awakening of, ‘Why am I working the way that I’m working?’” says Barry Gottlieb, a coach, mentor and author who has worked with many floral businesses. “So many of us are still stuck in the old Industrial Revolution — you grind until you drop kind of mentality. It’s not a healthy mentality.”

The Society of American Florists is responding with a three-part series of webinars lead by Gottlieb, “Mental Well-Being: The Impact on Productivity, Retention and Profits.” The webinars, available to anyone in the industry, are focused on helping business owners and their teams improve their well-being.

In this video, Gottlieb discusses why this topic is so important to him — and why everyone from business leaders to their employees should make time for their mental well-being.

To watch the first part of the webinar on demand, click here. The webinar continues Oct. 20 with part two on healthy habits (click here to register).  Click here to register for part three on sleeping soundly.

Amanda Jedlinsky is the managing editor of SAF NOW.

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