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Forecast Your Future on Career Connection

by | Jul 13, 2022 | Business Builder, Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Career ConnectionsForecast Your Future, the Society of American Florists’ new series of courses focused on profitability, is available now on Career Connection.

The interactive series, presented by successful floral entrepreneurs Manny and Clara Gonzales, begins with Sales Forecasting, a six-week on-demand course that walks through the process of creating a sales forecast specific to your business. Two other courses in the series, “Cost of Goods” and “Wage Control” will be available soon.

In addition to weekly videos and worksheets, participants have access to the instructors through a discussion board for extra guidance. Additional benefits, such as weekly one-on-one meetings with the Gonzaleses, participation in a weekly virtual peer group — or both — can be added to each course package for a fee.

Those who want to be part of the peer group for the Sales Forecasting course must register by Aug. 8 for a Aug. 11 start. Those who want only to take the course or want one-on-one meetings can start at any time.

The courses are $795 for SAF members and $1,033.50 for nonmembers. Implementing the strategies in this series could easily improve margins by 1 percent to start, Manny says, and for most shops, that’s a $5,000 to $10,000 difference! SAF is offering a full money back to anyone not satisfied with the course.

Visit Career Connection to register.

 Stephanie Brady is the project manager for the Society of American Florists.

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