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Reignite Your Business

by | Aug 12, 2020 | Business Builder | 0 comments


At the end of July, the Society of American Florists’ Reinvention Summit gave industry professionals insight into the tremendous challenges the industry has been facing in 2020. In addition, the Reinvention Summit was filled with tips on how to shift businesses to help streamline costs, generate revenue and revamp business. Continue your online learning this summer, and reignite your business, by utilizing SAF’s webinars.

The Reignite Your Business webinar series, sponsored by Teleflora, focused on driving sales and managing operations during these changing times. The series, which is free for SAF members, focused on big-picture topics including hosting virtual design classes, keeping staff and customers safe, making the most of a lean team, making the most of new customers, navigating the PPP loan forgiveness process, leveraging LinkedIn and utilizing marketing messages that sell.

Check out the full Reignite Your Business Webinar series to help you recharge and refresh your business.

Stephanie Brady is the Project Coordinator for the Society of American Florists.

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