During the 30-minute “The Social Selling Mindset” WebBlast, Crystal Vilkaitis shows examples of florists’ social media success stories.
Are you ready to have the phone ring more? Get more people in your store? Increase sales? Gain confidence? Then watch “The Social Selling Mindset” WebBlast, presented by the Society of American Florists on Sept. 19 and available as a recording for SAF members.
SAF’s partner Crystal Vilkaitis, a retail social media expert and founder of the Social Edge, has worked one-on-one with many successful retailers to learn what works and what doesn’t with social media marketing. She led the 30-minute WebBlast presentation showing examples of florist success stories and case studies of other retailers.
During the WebBlast, she asked participants to look at their social media accounts. “When was the last time you asked a question, or showed a picture of your staff?” Vilkaitis asked. “When was the last time you responded to a comment or a question to continue to the conversation on social media?”
Want more social media advice? SAF members and their staff can watch “The Social Selling Mindset” and other SAF WebBlast recordings, for free at safnow.org/webinars. In addition, Vilkaitis covers “Your Digital Brand” for Floral Management and will speak at SAF’s 1-Day Profit Blast in Boston this Saturday, Sept. 23 and Louisville, Kentucky on Nov. 4.