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How to Climb to the Top of Search Results

by | Jun 4, 2015 | Business Builder, Floral Industry News, Technology | 0 comments


If you’ve loaded down your website with keywords (“city name,” “city name florist,” “city name’s best florist,” etc.) in an effort to please the Google gods, you may have done more harm than good.

“Google regularly tweaks its algorithms to root out keyword abuse,” said Loren Hudziak, the search engine’s solutions architect, who spoke with SAF Chief Information Officer Renato Sogueco for the cover story of the June issue of Floral Management, to help florists navigate the mysterious world of “search and find.”

Instead of the aforementioned keywords, you should pack your website with information that is useful to customers, he said. Use complete sentence and proper grammar. Bold certain phrases, such as names of venues, flower varieties or flower care phrases, and link these words to other pages within your website that provide deeper explanations.

Learn more tips in “Search and Rescue,” the cover story of this month’s Floral Management.

Katie Hendrick


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