Rake in More Sales With Recital Flowers - safnow.org
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Rake in More Sales With Recital Flowers

by | May 28, 2015 | Business Builder, Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Prom’s not the only dance that can give florists a sales boost. Don’t forget about recital season!

Parents love watching their little ones pirouette, plié and prance about the stage. They also love immortalizing the event with a photo of their tiny dancer with a big smile on her face and a big bouquet in her arms. Do your homework, and you could see a line of tiny dancers clutching your flowers — not the local supermarket’s.

Kathy Dudley, owner of The Bloomery in Butler, Pennsylvania, has made upwards of $3,500 in recital sales by partnering with a local dance studio.

“My advice is to call, or better yet, visit, the local dance schools and ask if they have a local florist lined up for their recital flowers,” she said. If there isn’t one, then offer to attend the recital with a table of flowers and gift items for sale, and give a commission back to the school. If the shop has an existing relationship with a competitor, then simply say, “Thanks, we’d be happy to help you with any future needs.”

While you’re at it, go ahead and update your website to include recital flowers (for parents who want to order in advance) and market away on social media.

Katie Hendrick

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