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Industry Companies Team Up to Honor Veterans on Memorial Day

by | May 28, 2015 | Events & Education, Floral Industry News, Government Relations, Public Relations | 0 comments


Over the holiday weekend, floral industry companies came together with the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation to honor service members at more than 200 cemeteries and ceremonies across the country, including Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, where volunteers placed 120,000 roses on headstones.

Thanks to support from the floral industry, the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation honored service members at more than 200 cemeteries and ceremonies across the country.

Mayesh Wholesale Florist, headquartered in Los Angeles donated more than 5,000 roses nationwide to support the efforts of the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation.

Among the highlights of this year’s effort:

  • Kennicott Brothers Company in Chicago donated thousands of ‘Freedom’ roses through their retail customers, engaging more than 40 Midwest florists in the effort.

    “ created wonderful promotional materials, which we then handed to participating florists along with several boxes of ‘Freedom’ roses each,” said Joe Barnes, Kennicott’s manager of new business development.

    Some of the participating florists handed out roses during local parades; others brought flowers to area cemeteries to share with families and place on gravesites.

    Kennicott Brothers Company and its grower partners donated about 10,000 roses to support the philanthropic effort, part of the company’s ongoing “Make A Difference” campaign.

  • For the third year in a row, Mayesh Wholesale Florist, headquartered in Los Angeles, also teamed up with the foundation, donating more than 5,000 roses nationwide.

    Leveraging support from rose growers Greenrose and Agronatura and UPS, Mayesh customers handed out the roses at local cemeteries, Memorial Day events, parades and more. The effort was part of the company’s #MayeshGivesBack initiative.

Find out more about the foundation, and see heartwarming photos of this year’s efforts.


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