Come to D.C. for a ‘Mind-Blowing’ Experience -
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Come to D.C. for a ‘Mind-Blowing’ Experience

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Events, Events & Education, Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Think you are too busy to leave your business for a few days? Intimidated by the idea of talking with legislators on Capitol Hill? Afraid that your voice won’t make a difference? Think again.

That’s the message that came through loud and clear in a virtual chat among four floral industry peers — captured on video, above — who are gearing up to attend the Society of American Florists’ 42nd Annual Congressional Action Days, March 28-29. Each is making the time to attend the grassroots lobbying event so they can relay their concerns about labor, inflation, the stalled supply chain and other key issues to their legislators — and squeeze in some Washington, D.C. sightseeing, too.

“When you have a real person showing up , it shows that they care, and it brings real issues to light,” said Jodi McShan, AAF, of McShan Florist in Dallas, Texas, a veteran CAD attendee. “It gives a face and a real-life story that’s affecting their district and their state that they can then investigate and then change — hopefully — the legislation to address their concerns and help everyone benefit.”

Others in the video, including Tanner Wheat of Lafayette Florist, Gift Shop & Garden Center in Lafayette, Colorado; Erik Hagstrom of Albin Hagstrom and Son Inc. in Pierson, Florida; and Corinne Heck of Details Flowers Software, talked about the significance of CAD and how they overcame their first-time attendee jitters and time restraints.

“I was nervous as heck,” Hagstrom said of his first time in Washington D.C. In the end, he had no regrets. “It was a mind-blowing experience. I walked on a cloud for about a week. If anybody has any reservations at all , they will absolutely love that time in D.C.”

Tanner Wheat, who oversees the business’s garden center, is in the thick of getting ready for spring. Even so, he made arrangements with his staff to allow him to step away from the business to attend CAD.

“We are very committed to going to Congressional Actions Days,” he said.

This year SAF is focusing on three key issues: funding for floriculture research, renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences, and preserving agriculture’s workforce. To educate and prepare attendees before their congressional appointments, SAF Senior Lobbyist Joe Bischoff will detail those issues and lead the group in some helpful — and entertaining — role-playing.  Attendees will also hear from Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Michigan) about why members of Congress need to hear from the industry, and how to best share the story of what’s happening in your business with lawmakers.

The event also includes time for sightseeing with a scavenger hunt around and near the White House. The scavenger hunt is a fundraiser for SAFPAC — the only national political action committee dedicated to advocating for the floral industry.

For Heck, who has been attending CAD since 2016, the event helps her see how issues are affecting other segments of the floral industry.

“It’s a very big learning experience, and we are all students,” she said.

For more information on CAD, and to register, click here.

Amanda Jedlinsky is the managing editor of SAF Now.

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