Marie Ackerman, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, presenting at the AIFD National Symposium program in 2012, an exploration into the nature of creativity. (Photo courtesy Bruce Wright)
Marie N. Ackerman, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, beloved floral designer, educator and industry icon, died January 28 in the Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest in Allentown, Pennsylvania, surrounded by her loving family. She was 60.
Ackerman pursued a career in the floral industry from a young age, receiving her certificate in Floriculture/Horticulture from the Lehigh County Vocational Technical School. She began to cultivate her design expertise at Allentown’s Pheobe Floral Shop (1977-1985), before joining American Floral Services in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where she managed the AFS Education Center, as well as various book and magazine publishing tasks. She also organized and conducted the AFS Great American Design contest from 1989-1993.
When Teleflora bought AFS, Ackerman continued to serve in the education arena, managing the Teleflora Education Center, copy editing monthly publications and presenting at design symposia and floral shows. She also conducted Teleflora Live! (2006-2007).
Her personality was truly larger than life, and nowhere did her passion for floral design shine more than when she was on stage — designing, educating and entertaining her audience with memorable stories.
Robbin Yelverton, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, MCF, and co-owner of Blumz by JR Designs in the Detroit metro area, first came into contact with Ackerman during her tenure at AFS.
“Marie was vibrant and outgoing, but also an extremely educated person,” he said. “She was known for her stage presence and performance, where she shined as a teacher and educator. She was a gifted designer and could present information in such a way that it was logical and made sense. From the moment I met her I always wanted to emulate her.”
Deborah De La Flor, AIFD, PFCI, CFD, owner of De La Flor Gardens in Cooper City, Florida, felt the same.
“The minute Marie walked on stage, she commanded attention, and then she flashed that glorious smile! You were engaged and never removed your eyes from her for a minute, for fear you would miss one of her magnificent statements that would stay with you and help you in some way for the rest of your life,” she said. “Her goal was to teach and inspire with such passion. You never forgot your experience with Marie.”
Ackerman truly changed floral commentary, weaving humor and real-life situations into her education and design sessions.
“Her passion for the floral industry, spiritual grounding and her never-ending quotes of motivational statements always moved you toward being your very best,” added Jerome Raska, AIFD, AAF, PFCI, CF and co-owner of Blumz by JR Designs in the Detroit metro area. “What I miss most about this force in the floral industry—because that’s what she was, a force — is her smooth manner of floral commentary, which was engaging and beyond informative.”

Marie Ackerman, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, during a fundraising auction for the AIFD Foundation. During her presentation she had created a “bling bouquet” that sold at auction for $1,500! (Photo courtesy Bruce Wright)
Like most who had the opportunity to see Ackerman on stage, Flower Clique founder Vonda LaFever, AIFD, CFD, PFCI agreed that Ackerman’s presentation skills were second to none. But it was in working with Ackerman at the Education Center in Oklahoma City that LaFever saw another side of this talented speaker. “She was extremely organized, from the teaching and design schedule, to the scheduled snacks, to the storage closet with hardgoods — where everything had its place,” LaFever shared.
“I was blessed to work with Marie closely to plan and execute AIFD Symposium ‘Journey’ (Denver 2015),” she continued. “Her ability to think through a process for the best results, while balancing the financial and personal implications for all, was a gift that she perfected. Few can get it right like she did. And throughout the collaboration, her beautiful smile, infectious laughter and great stories—I will forever, never forget.”
Before Ackerman would take the stage, she would often be found in a quiet spot, focused and deep in thought. The minute she hit the stage, it was like she flipped a switch. The consummate educator, she would appreciate having her own words of wisdom shared on the topic of presenting: “The most powerful thing I have learned about presentation is to watch your own ‘background thinking,’” she shared with SAF in 2010. “I find it can be the most empowering or derailing part of a GREAT presentation. What you believe about yourself, your subject and your audience can change how you present material and thus change how you are perceived by an audience. At least for the moments you are on stage, you MUST sincerely, deep-in-your-soul believe you are the best person to be there, with a power-filled, content-rich message to share… a message that will make a difference in the lives of those who hear and comprehend it.”
A good friend, a mentor, an inspiration, a teacher, a quick wit and a bundle of fun, Ackerman aimed to lift up each person she encountered. She was a member of the American Institute of Floral Designers, Professional Floral Communications-International, and the American Academy of Floriculture. In 2002, she was the recipient of the Tommy Bright Award, presented by SAF’s Professional Floral Communicators-International; in 2003, Ackerman received AIFD’s Award of Distinguished Service to the Floral Industry.
She is survived by brothers, Mark L. and his wife Barbara Ackerman of Allentown, Matthew A. and his wife Patricia A. Ackerman of St. Charles, IL; sister, Donna L. and her husband Bradley T. Hibshman of Allentown; nieces, Jennifer, Sydney, Katherine, Lauren and Brigid.
Julie Martens Forney is a contributing writer to Floral Management.