If members have questions or need anything while the site is down, email info@safnow.org or call SAF at 703-836-8700.
The Society of American Florists knows that members use its website, safnow.org, to keep up with everything from industry news to small business education. That’s why SAF is making changes to its site to enhance the membership experience for members. It also means that safnow.org will be offline Feb. 22-24 while the website improvements are taking place behind the scenes.
“We know that time is a precious resource for our members, so we need to make it as easy as possible for them to access SAF’s services and stay updated on the latest industry news and events atsafnow.tempurl.host,” said Kate Penn, SAF’s CEO. “That’s why we’re working to improve the online experience for members.”
When the website is back online, members will notice an improved digital experience, including:
- An updated log-in system that allows access to members-only content
- A new “My SAF Profile” to manage your account
- A convenient, streamlined way to renew your SAF membership
- A redesigned registration platform for all SAF events
Before the website goes offline this weekend, Penn recommends that members take care of their SAF tasks now:
- Download Awards applications and nomination forms. March 1 is the deadline to submit applications and nominations for many top honors.
- Register for SAF’s Congressional Action Days and 1-Day Profit Blast in Boston.
- Review and download resources you need now, like Women’s Day promotional materials and advice, Pricing Strategies, or Business Discounts from SAF partners.
In addition, while the site is down, SAF will not distribute Sales WakeUP! and Washington Week in Review. Look for those newsletters to resume publication next week.
Whensafnow.tempurl.host is back online next week, SAF will send members an email asking them to visit the improvedsafnow.tempurl.host to take advantage of the new upgrades.
If members have questions or need anything while the site is down, email info@safnow.org or call SAF at (703) 836-8700.
Anne Holub is a contributing writer for the Society of American Florists.