During a special Facebook Live event at Facebook.com/SocietyofAmericanFlorists on Tuesday, March 6 at 11:30 a.m., SAF lobbyists Shawn McBurney and Dr. Joe Bischoff will discuss the “Asks” participants will make to legislators as part of Congressional Action Days.
Coming to the Society of American Florists’ Congressional Action Days in March and wondering what exactly the trade association does for the industry on Capitol Hill and how your voice can complement and amplify those efforts?
At 11:30 a.m. EST on Tuesday, March 6, SAF Senior Director of Government Relations Shawn McBurney and Dr. Joe Bischoff from Cornerstone Government Affairs will talk about SAF’s year-round role in advocating for floral industry members and they’ll discuss the issues SAF members will bring to lawmakers during CAD, through a special Facebook Live event at Facebook.com/SocietyofAmericanFlorists.
“We want to make it easy for all SAF members to know who we are as their lobbyists and what we are doing for them every day on Capitol Hill,” McBurney said. “And also what their floral industry peers will be doing for them as citizen lobbyists at CAD.”
Nearly 100 retailers, growers, wholesalers and suppliers are already signed up to participate in SAF’s 38th Annual Congressional Action Days, March 12-13, when they will tell legislators about the size and scope of the floral industry and ask them to support three key issues.
There is still time to make plans to join SAF for Congressional Action Days. Click here to register. Your CAD registration allows you to bring a first-time attendee with you for free. To sign up a colleague, contact Laura Weaver at 703-838-5221; lweaver@safnow.org.
For CAD details, go to safnow.org/cad.