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SAF Week In Review Keeps Members in The Loop

by | Jan 23, 2018 | Floral Industry News, Member Benefits, Week In Review | 0 comments

SAF's Washington Week In Review, an e-newsletter focused on SAF's government relations efforts, is a free member benefit emailed every Friday when Congress is in session.

SAF’s Washington Week In Review, an e-newsletter focused on SAF’s government relations efforts, is a free member benefit emailed every Friday when Congress is in session.

Taxes. Health care. Labor. Immigration. Floriculture research. As the national floral industry trade association, the Society of American Florists lobbies on Capitol Hill on federal issues affecting members’ businesses. For the first time on Jan. 19, all SAF members began receiving Washington Week In Review, an e-newsletter focused on SAF’s government relations efforts, and legislative and regulatory updates pertaining to the floral industry.

Previously, SAF e-mailed Week In Review to members by request. Now, all members automatically receive this free member benefit every Friday when Congress is in session.

“Week in Review enables all members to be aware of the role of SAF in Washington, current events and policy priorities that matter to their businesses,” said Krissy Doyle, SAF’s manager of Member Services. “It’s a weekly reminder that SAF keeps the floral industry’s interests front and center in the halls of Congress.”

SAF Chief Operating Officer Drew Gruenburg and Senior Director of Government Relations Shawn McBurney contribute to Week In Review, reporting on the association’s lobbying efforts, government relations news and calls to action.

Long-time Week In Review readers look forward to the government relations update.

“I read it every week,” said SAF Chairman Martin Meskers, AAF, of Oregon Flowers, Inc. in Aurora, Oregon. It gives me a good overview of what’s going on D.C. for our business and our industry. It’s a quick easy read. It’s not political. It just tells me what’s going on. I like it that comes from our industry viewpoint.

Skip Paal, AAF, of the Rutland Beard Floral Group in Catonsville, Maryland, is chairman of the SAF Retailers Council: “Week In Review is a great tool for me. Having a condensed update that weeds through all of the government news is invaluable. I look forward to reading it because I know it’s going to be the information that is pertinent to my business and our industry.”

Marvin N. Miller, Ph.D., AAF, of Ball Horticultural Company in West Chicago, is chairman of SAF’s Government Joint Council.

“I look forward to seeing the Week In Review in my e-mail every Friday,” Miller said. “In just a few minutes, I get the lowdown on what’s happening in D.C. that impacts our industry. Knowing that SAF is on the scene and can relate the week’s happenings is very reassuring. Knowing that SAF will keep us in the loop is priceless.”

SAF has kept members in the loop on its government relations efforts since 1994, when the association faxed Week In Review to members by request. In August 2004, SAF added email to its Week In Review distribution.

In January 2018, SAF re-designed the e-newsletter. “Long-time Week In Review readers will notice that we’ve given the newsletter a modern new look, and at the same time we’re encouraging readers to get the full story by reading back issues on our website,” said Jenny Scala, SAF’s director of marketing and communications. “This new approach helps us better track what is most important and of interest to our members.”

For recent Week In Review articles, click here. Back issues, from 2004-2017, are posted here.


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