Paula Calimafde is President and General Counsel of the SBLC and Jessica Summers is the SBLC’s Strategic Policy Director.
The new tax law has major implications for business owners. What exactly does it mean for you?
The Society of American Florists helps members figure it out thanks to its long-standing relationship with the Small Business Legislative Council, a coalition of trade associations like SAF that share a common commitment to the small business sector of the economy.
Paula Calimafde, President and General Counsel of the SBLC, 25+ year observer of the Hill and noted tax lawyer, and Jessica Summers, Strategic Policy Director of the SBLC, explain the deductions, exemptions and more in the Jan. 9 WebBlast “Understanding the New Tax Bill — How Will It Impact Small Business?”
SAF members can find out how the new tax bill affects them. Members can download the slides, watch the 1-hour recording and access other SAF WebBlasts for free at safnow.org/webinars.