In Texas, Even the ‘Mums’ are Bigger -
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In Texas, Even the ‘Mums’ are Bigger

by | Oct 11, 2017 | Floral Industry News, Trends | 0 comments


High school senior Brittany Eicker wore the Texas-sized “mum” she bought for $575 for her school’s homecoming game on Sept. 22, according to Cleburne Times-Review She worked two jobs and saved money the last three years to purchase the mum.

A number of high-profile national outlets—including The Wall Street Journal — have recently turned their attention to a tradition among Texas teens that has roots in the floral industry.

“Homecoming Mums” started out as just that — chrysanthemums worn by high schoolers bound for the homecoming dance — but they’ve evolved into something much more elaborate. And, in some cases, much more expensive.

“The biggest ones resemble samurai armor more than corsages,” wrote Erin Ailworth for the Journal.

The story highlighted a $650 creation for 17-year-old Lisa Campbell created in the shape of Texas, with artificial chrysanthemums, “braided ribbons, ornaments, glittery letters, a purple boa and a snow-white teddy bear.” The mum was so large, only the feet and head of the 6-foot high school athlete were visible.

Wall Street Journal subscribers can read the story here. Another story, in the Cleburne Times-Review, is available for free.





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