SAF is compiling a list of local Petal It Forward events. So far, florists in 33 states have committed to the event. Get your event listed by completing the Petal It Forward Participation Form at safnow.org/PIFform.
Florists across the country and Canada are getting ready to show their communities how good it feels to give and receive flowers. At press time, florists in 33 states and 74 cities had committed to holding local Petal It Forward events on October 11. That leaves 17 states to go — Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming — for industry participation in all 50 states.
“The goal of Petal It Forward is to generate traditional and social media coverage to highlight the benefits of flower power — the positive impact flowers have on our emotional wellbeing — even beyond the actual recipients of the flowers,” said Jennifer Sparks, the Society of American Florists’ vice president of marketing. “For Petal It Forward to be successful from a public relations standpoint, SAF needs to know where local events are happening so we can tell the media, and so you can tell the media you are part of an effort happening nationwide.”
SAF is compiling a list of local Petal It Forward events. Get your event listed by completing the Petal It Forward Participation Form at safnow.org/PIFform. SAF has resources to help member florists run a successful campaign, including planning timelines, tips on where and when to stage a giveaway, talking points, T-shirt and Flower Card templates and more at safnow.org/petalitforward.