Movie Quotes Provide Fodder for Last Minute Mother’s Day Reminders -







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Movie Quotes Provide Fodder for Last Minute Mother’s Day Reminders

by | May 12, 2017 | Business Builder | 0 comments


Hollywood served as a muse for a Wisconsin flower shop in need of a fun way to capture some last-minute Mother’s Day sales.

It’s crunch time before a major holiday and you want to squeeze in a few final sales. Post movie quotes to motivate procrastinators without resorting to the obvious (and boring) message, “Order Mother’s Day flowers now”?

If you’re the staff at Welke’s Milwaukee Florist, you look to the silver screen for inspiration and whip together a quick movie trivia game. On Thursday, May 11, the shop periodically posted gorgeous photographs of its Mother’s Day offerings on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter juxtaposed with quotes by some famous fictional mothers from such films as Mean Girls, Forrest Gump and Stepmom.

“Be the first to call with the name of the movie and the mom who said it and you will receive free delivery on your Mother’s Day order!” read the shop’s first update of the day, thus introducing the contest and subtly inserting a sense of urgency.

This tactic is simple, engaging and easy-to-adapt for other occasions throughout the year. For instance, themes like prom, weddings, Halloween and Christmas all have copious quotable material.

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