How to Fight Back Against ‘Good Enough’ -







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How to Fight Back Against ‘Good Enough’

by | May 10, 2017 | Business Builder | 0 comments


What do you say when someone asks, “How’s business?”

If you answer, “meh, fine,” you may have an inertia problem on your hands, according to Brad Denham of Arizona Family Florist. In the latest issue of Floral Management, he talks candidly about defeating a “good enough” attitude at his business, and why stagnation can be such a challenge to address.

“Inertia is something we all face,” he writes. “Looking back at the 14 years of my floral career, I now recognize periods of time in which we didn’t make much movement, either forward or backward. It seems clear now that our biggest competitors were not order-gatherers and supermarkets but simply the status quo — getting too comfortable with things being “good enough.”

Read more. 

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