Clue customers in on the importance of Women’s Day by putting the spotlight on women who’ve broken boundaries.
Since 1908, March 8 has been designated as International Women’s Day, a celebration of females’ social, economic, cultural and political achievements. Across the pond, Women’s Day has been a boon for growers, wholesalers and retailers — some of whom report even greater sales than for Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day! — but stateside, the holiday is still establishing a foothold.
Need help getting the word out about Women’s Day? Try these simple, low-cost approaches to put the holiday on customers’ radar without coming across too pushy:
1. Highlight heroines. With apologies to James Agee, “let us now praise famous women.” History has produced no shortage of remarkable ladies whose bravery, resolve and efforts deserve applause. Among them: Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Rosa Parks, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Harriet Tubman, Amelia Earhart, Mother Teresa. Click here for a list of more unsung heroes.
Let these trailblazers be your muses for blog posts, e-mail messages and social media updates in the days leading up to March 8. (Also note: Women’s Day 2017 fortuitously falls on “Woman Crush Wednesday,” which uses the very popular hashtag #wcw.) You could also change your shop marquis to highlight a female leader of the day to pique motorists’ interest.
Unlike overt sales posts, trumpeting women’s achievements should not a strike a nerve with customers who feel they just shelled out a lot of money for Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Furthermore, these biographical posts cause customers to contemplate the holiday’s significance and might inspire them to show appreciation for the women in their life — with flowers, naturally, since they now associate Women’s Day with your shop.
2. Pitch the press. What the world needs now is some positive, feel-good news. Women’s Day fits that bill perfectly. Don’t be shy: reach out to your local news organizations. To save you time, SAF offers customizable press releases. Address it to a high-profile woman at the outlet, such as a TV news anchor, a producer or an editor. Trust us, they’ll bite.
Offer to come in the studio to discuss Women’s Day and show arrangements, or invite the reporter into the shop to create a design of her own or to cover an event. Whichever route you choose, prepare for the interview with SAF’s Women’s Day talking points.
3. Lead by example. Wouldn’t it be great if businesses across the globe held Women’s Day parties to recognize their female employees? Do it at your shop — albeit a little prematurely so there’s time to publicize it and encourage others. Go out to lunch or dress up your break room (with centerpieces, of course!) and snap lots of pictures to share online. Along with the images, include shout-outs to individual staff members. Pulling back the curtain and introducing customers to the woman behind the phone/design bench/delivery van reinforces the warm feelings people get for supporting small, locally owned businesses.