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Use Facebook Live to Generate Sales, Connect with Customers

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Business Builder | 0 comments

Vicki Stewart of the Funky Fairy in the United Kingdom used Facebook Live to host a series of three, 20-minute flash sales on inventory she wanted to clear out.

Vicki Stewart of the Funky Fairy in the United Kingdom used Facebook Live to host a series of three, 20-minute flash sales on inventory she wanted to clear out.

Late last month, Sally Kobylinski of InBloom Florist in Orlando tried out a new social media tool: Facebook Live.

Kobylinski was tempted to try Live — which allows Facebook users to stream real-time videos to friends and followers — after hearing about the potential perks of the tool at SAF Maui 2016, the Society of American Florists’ annual convention last month.

Her first foray into the tech was purely experimental, but it did point to promise: “Our engagement was 10 times that of a typical post,” said Kobylinski, who plans to try out the tool again.

In doing so, she won’t be alone. According to Social Media Examiner, a number of small business owners are now using Facebook Live, not only to check in and chat but to also generate real sales and leads. Here are three success stories that florists can emulate:

Celebrate a Milestone: Rachel and Alwyn Cosgrove of Results Fitness in Santa Clarita, California, used Facebook Live to broadcast not only their 16th anniversary “flash mob”but also a pre-party event. (And after the celebration ended, they uploaded a traditional video with all of the highlights.) The party generated 360 views; the pre-party 400. The Alwyns have since reported a spike in gym memberships.

Host a Live Sale. Vicki Stewart of the Funky Fairy boutique in the United Kingdom used Facebook Live to host a series of three, 20-minute flash sales on inventory she wanted to clear out. During each broadcast, Stewart “chatted as she showed the available sale items… If customers wanted an item she didn’t have on sale, they were directed to the special order page.” The first and second sale both generated about 7,000 views; the third about 10,000 and Stewart was able to clear out goods for new merchandise.

Answer Questions. Beyond specific sale opportunities, Facebook Live can help you create stronger connections with existing and potential customers. Online business coach Liz Melville has used Facebook Live to answer real-time questions from clients, including professional women looking to improve their work-life balance. The approach could translate to any small business with expert staff members (think: advice on home décor, plant or flower care and gardening tips — or a Q&A session on wedding planning tips with your team’s top planner or lead designer). Viewers can send questions via comment but you can also solicit questions ahead of time so that the Live feed has no downtime.

Read more about how to pull of a successful Facebook Live event, including steps to take before the event to ensure followers will tune in.

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