“Tissue, gift boxes, and ribbon are all small extras that can set your florist a world apart” from gift competitors and national chains, suggests Rick Canale of Exotic Flowers.
What does a shoe shine have to do with your sales team? A lot more than you might think, says Rick Canale of Exotic Flowers in Boston.
In a blog post on sales-generating ideas, Canale shared his thoughts on why extra touches can make a big difference to a customer’s experience (and her willingness to return to your business again and again and again.)
“Hopefully, are treating every purchase as a gift,” said the former Floral Management Marketer of the Year winner. “Take a look at J Crew. They even provide gift bags for gift cards. Are you making the gift wrapping a show? Think of the man who shines shoes, that snap of the towel is purely show and does nothing to shine a shoe.”
Other tips from Canale, who also has been profiled by Entrepreneur for his marketing savvy:
Say Thank You. “As professional florists, we must look and act like professionals,” Canale said. “How many times a day are you saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’? Not enough. Are you reaching out to clients with courtesy phone calls and personal hand written notes?”
Go for Buzz, Not Deals. “Forget the coupons,” he said. “Clients that are loyal on price are not loyal for long. Create buzz and offer the unexpected. On Valentine’s Day 2013, we had former Baywatch star Traci Bingham at the store helping clients.” Six months later, customers were still talking about their brush with fame. (Check out video from the visit.)
Look Good. Florists are in the business of making others look good; yet sometimes they forget to step back and take a critical eye to their own store. “Do you have a dynamic storefront?” said Canale. “Do you offer new varieties of flowers to create interest? Are you enticing a return visit with your service and product?” All of these factors add up to a better experience, higher sales and the potential for more transactions.
Speaking of new varieties, floral industry members who attend SAF Maui 2016 will be able to feast their eyes on new blooms at the SAF Outstanding Varieties Competition. Find out more and register today.