Floral Designer Joins TEDx Line Up - safnow.org
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Floral Designer Joins TEDx Line Up

by | Oct 9, 2015 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Next week a group of experts from varied backgrounds will entertain and inspire about 100 people at the Koch Immersive Theater in Evansville, Indiana. Included in the prestigious line-up: a floral designer who plans to talk about the joy and benefits of flowers in everyday life.

Jodi Duncan, AIFD, is one of 13 speakers at TEDxEvansville on Oct. 13.

Jodi Duncan, AIFD, is one of 13 speakers at TEDxEvansville on Oct. 13.

Jodi Duncan, AIFD, of Jodi Duncan Designs is one of 13 speakers at TEDxEvansville on Oct. 13. The theme of the event — “Rebirth. Revival. Renewal.” — is a perfect fit for her talk, “FlowerPowered,” said Duncan, who auditioned for the talk over the summer.

The theme fit with “projects I had been experimenting with and it was the perfect platform to share the results,” said Duncan, who has participated in campaigns such as The Lonely Bouquet, which puts floral designs in the hands of more people through anonymous gifting. “I think they had nearly 150 applicants, so to make the final cut was a big honor and a huge relief.”

Organizers of the event work hard to keep talks from being solely self-promotional efforts, Duncan explained, adding that each speaker has to provide a bigger picture concept or idea — real takeaways for audience members.

“I’ll be sharing a personal story as well as what happens when you do ‘guerrilla floral art’ in a vacant lot,” she said. “The premise is that there is nothing we do that cannot be made better by adding a flower.”

According to TEDx rules, the live audience for the Evansvillle event is limited to 100, although organizers encourage “viewing parties.” Talks will be streaming from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 13; Duncan is expected to begin her talk around 1 p.m. Find out more or follow along.

“To be in such company is humbling,” Duncan said. “I feel such excitement and responsibility. My elevator speech has always been ‘doing my part to make your world more beautiful’ and this opportunity is consistent with my core values.”

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