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Win Customers Over With an Unexpected Gift

by | May 22, 2015 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


Nothing rivals the value of word of mouth marketing. First, it’s free; secondly, according to results of a Nielsen survey, 84 percent of consumers completely trust the recommendation of family and friends.

Fleur Inc. mimicked raindrops with blue balloons for its “April Showers” window display. When they switched out the window, they moved the balloons outside, encouraging passersby to enjoy a free gift, which started conversations as they traipsed around Chicago.


So how do you get people talking about you? For Fleur Inc. in Chicago, the answer was a balloon.

For a spring window display, themed “April Showers,” the shop used dozens of balloons in various shades of blue, white and gray (to mimic rain droplets). When it was time to switch out the window for the next theme, the staff decided to move the balloons outside, next to a sign that simply read, “take a balloon.”

“We had lots of leftovers and thought that, since they made us so happy, our customers would likely enjoy them as well,” said president Kelly Marie Thompson. “They were tiny and petite, perfect to just grab one and carry it around.”

Thompson originally thought it was a fun promotion that would resonate with children who passed by, “but we soon realized that all age groups loved them.”

The cost of the balloons was minimal — about $50 for the balloons and the time to blow them up, she said. For that, the shop got a pretty, eye-catching display that then turned into many conversation starters.

Want more ideas for creating a memorable window display? Don’t miss retail guru Nicole Reyhle, founder of Retail Minded, one of the featured speakers at SAF Amelia Island 2015 this September.

Katie Hendrick



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