Written by Marie Ackerman, AAF, AIFD, PFCI
Discover the dos and don’ts to deliver awe-inspiring presentations. Among the presentation pointers:
- Be passionate. Passion makes you exciting. If you can’t get excited about your subject, why should your audience? When you’re passionate about a topic, you study it. Study the basics. Floral designers should know the principles and elements of design inside and out.
- Practice. When you’re working in your shop, commentate the designs you are making.
- Be polished and professional. Dress a little better than them. Black tends to be a flattering color option for presenters.
- Plan your presentation. Plan the end first, the opening next and the middle last.
- Watch other speakers. What did they do that makes them so great?
- If you have an accent, slow down.
- To prevent the pre-speech jitters, don’t predict failure. The audience wants you to succeed.
- Don’t brag. Don’t name drop. Remove “I, me and myself” from your vocabulary.
Keywords: PFCI, presentations