2019 Archives - safnow.org
NovemberDecember 2019

NovemberDecember 2019

COTINUS TOWERS ABOVE Standing more than six feet tall, Cotinus makes a big impression at SAF’s Outstanding Varieties Competition, winning the coveted title of Best in Show.
October 2019

October 2019

PRIME (BLOOM) TIME How J Schwanke leveraged a lifelong passion for the floral industry to create a national TV show dedicated to promoting flowers — winning new fans and Floral Management’s 2019 Marketer of the Year award in the process.
September 2019

September 2019

TOP OF THE CLASS Meet eight young innovators intent on contributing to — and changing  — the floral industry.
August 2019

August 2019

A SEA CHANGE IN TRANSPORTATION As shipping costs rise, can sea transport provide some relief — and will it change how we do business?
July 2019

July 2019

FIND YOUR FINISH LINE  Build your team, impress customers and keep pace with trends at SAF Amelia Island 2019.

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