Shawn McBurney, Author at - Page 10 of 21

House Pursuing Additional Tax Relief

House Ways Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) announced that he would begin to lay the groundwork for a new round of legislation to provide additional tax relief, building on tax reform enacted last year. Dubbed “tax reform 2.0,” Brady said he expects the...
“Persuader” Rule Rescinded

“Persuader” Rule Rescinded

The Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it was rescinding the Obama Administration’s “persuader” rule, also known as the “employer gag rule.” The rule went into effect in July 2016 and would have changed federal disclosure rules to make it more difficult for...
House Approves Farm Bill Conferees

House Approves Farm Bill Conferees

This week by unanimous consent the House approved a motion to go to conference on the Farm Bill.  The Senate will soon follow the House lead.   Going to conference means both the House and Senate will appoint lawmakers who will get together to iron out...

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