SAF Elects New Board Members, Updates Bylaws -
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SAF Elects New Board Members, Updates Bylaws

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Floral Industry News | 0 comments


The Board of Directors of the Society of American Florists elected three individuals to serve on the Board of Directors at its virtual Annual Meeting on Sept. 30.

New members of the board of directors include:

  • Retailer Stacie Lee Banks, AAF, co-owner and president of Lee’s Flower & Card Shop Inc. in Washington, D.C.
  • Grower Austin Bryant, national salesperson for Heart of Florida Greenhouses Inc. in Zolfo Springs, Florida
  • Wholesaler David Armellini, president and CEO of Armellini Logistics in Palm City, Florida

“SAF appreciates the diverse perspectives the new board members bring to the table,” said SAF CEO Kate Penn. “They will provide our team important input to help SAF grow the industry and be focused on meeting the needs of our members.”

In addition to the Board elections, members voted to update the association’s bylaws to reflect the language SAF’s current strategic plan and vision: The power of flowers in every life. Other bylaws changes include formalizing SAF’s presidential term as two years and making the wholesaler member category inclusive of importers. Members also voted to adopt electronic instead of in-person voting for the Board of Directors, making the election process more accessible to all SAF members.

Jennifer McNally is SAF’s director of marketing and communications.

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