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BloomNet Establishes Fund within AIFD Foundation

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Floral Company News | 0 comments


In honor of its 40th anniversary, the American Institute of Floral Designers Foundation announced its capital campaign: the Lifetime of Learning Fund, an initiative of collective giving to provide continuing education and inspirational experiences. BloomNet is the first organization to respond to the call, establishing the Floriology Institute Fund powered by BloomNet within the AIFD Foundation, which will cover up to six premium registrations for Vision 2020, AIFD’s next annual symposium, July 2-7, 2020 in Chicago.

Once it reaches a threshold of $30,000, the fund will be endowed and will award Symposium scholarships in perpetuity.

“All of us at BloomNet are thrilled to congratulate the members of AIFD on the 40th anniversary of the AIFD Foundation, an innovative and dedicated organization that shares our commitment to continuing education,” said Dinesh Popat, president of BloomNet, Napco and 1-800-Flowers franchising. “We are excited to join together with them in helping to foster the artistic expression and expand the creative vision of floral designers throughout the industry.”

AIFD Foundation CEO Lynn Lary McLean, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, TMF, thanked BloomNet for its contribution, which will offer new opportunities for floral designers and elevate the caliber of professionally designed arrangements consumers see.

“Oftentimes, it is the floral designer who brings forth new product ideas to enhance all that we do,” she said. “Floral design education is key — not only for individual prosperity, but for our collective success. I believe it is the responsibility of all of us to find and develop the creative talent needed to move this industry forward.”The AIFD Foundation welcomes contributions in any amount for its Lifetime of Learning Fund, which will help cover the costs of a variety of educational opportunities, including national and regional AIFD events, state floral association events, accredited floral schools and floral association certified programming. Named funds, such as BloomNet’s, are for corporations or individuals wishing to commit $30,000 over the next five years and have a specific purpose, designated by the donor.

“All that we do, in some way, leads to the end result of placing flowers in the minds and hands of the consumer,” McLean said. “Just as a kaleidoscope changes patterns from a diverse collection of elements, all segments of the industry have the opportunity, through this shared initiative, to provide floral design education to secure an industry.”

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Katie Hendrick Vincent is the senior contributing editor of Floral Management magazine.


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