Better User Experience — and Sales — for Events -
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Better User Experience — and Sales — for Events

by | Sep 17, 2019 | Business Builder | 0 comments


When Ryan O’Neil, PFCI, and his wife, Rachael, founded Twisted Willow Design in St. Louis six years ago, they knew they wanted to focus on events and grow their business. What they may not have realized at the time? The journey to do those two things would involve trial and error — and the creation of a new software company, Curate, to help other event florists succeed.

During a recent Society of American Florists webinar, O’Neil shared some of his top tips on how to improve user experience for brides and grooms and generate more leads (and sales). “There are so many granular pieces that my wife and I were missing on our website when we started,” he said. “And what we’ve found over the years is that small fixes can make a big difference.” Read more in the September issue of Floral Management.


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